First and foremost, it’s worth saying that Highwood Parish Council is not the final decision maker for planning applications. The Parish can only comment on applications which is then considered during the Planning Officers review of the application which happens at City Council
However, we welcome residents of Highwood Parish to attend the relevant planning meeting, to put forward any views or objections which will be taken under consideration by Highwood Parish Council.
As a guide, the Parish will consider the below aspects in relation to planning
Once we have voted on a scheme, the application will be passed to either a Planning Officer at Chelmsford City Council if non-contentious.
Once an application is approved there is further scrutiny throughout the construction process by the Building Control Department at the City Council who enforce Building Regulations or other non-planning laws e.g. disabled persons access, structural stability, drainage, fire precautions etc
There are constant changes to the Planning Laws and up to date advice should be sought. There is a Duty Planning officer available at Chelmsford City Council who should be able to assist with any enquiries.
Chelmsford City Council Planning page can be found below: